Laban Presbyterian Higher Secondary School

The Secretary's Desk :

"Over a Century of Caring for the Children"

Mr. M.Marbañiang, Secretary

  Laban Presbyterian Hr. Secondary School, Shillong is one of the oldest Schools in the North Eastern Part of India,Established more than a century ago, way back in the year 1897 in Laban, the then United Khasi &Jaintia Hills District of the undivided State of Assam, now in the beautiful State of Meghalaya.

  The School nestled on the foothills of the famous ‘The Shillong Peak” surrounded by the whispering pine trees and cascading streams which the ambience perfectly suited to mould and grooms the young and honest minds.

  Those days Education, Knowledge or getting an opportunities to attend School was a distance dream for many, as poverty and ignorance are the main biting factors. Here, comes the role of some light minded educated people and the Church members which took upthe spirit of educating the children to a greater height. Through their efforts which focusses on creating value centered affordable and accessible education to all have bridged the Gaps between the have and the have not.

  The self sacrifices rendered by these imminent personalities like Sir Lonelton and others manifested from their love for the children so that they can live a dignified life in future. A seed which they have sown more than a century ago still bearing fruits every passing days and their sacrifices, contributions, boldness and will powerhave witnessed many of our past and present students excelled in various field which are our pride, each effort they make, each hurdle they cross, each one of their achievement gives us immerse joy and happiness.

  The Untiring, relentless and unceasing worthy tasks of our pioneers has prompted the current generations to continue with the legacy of hardwork, persistence and dedication, inspite of various challenges faced ; be it the Laban Presbyterian Church as the Sponsoring body, the management, the teaching and the non – teaching staff of the Institution.

  As the members of the Managing Committee we felt elated when students from various communities be it the tribals or non – tribals were admitted in our Institution, implies that discrimination on castes, creeds, colours or religious is non- existence in the School. But, the focus is on imparting Qualityand sustainable Education to the Children and carrying forward the rich history, diverse population and magnificent cultures of the Independent India.

  At the end, the decision of the managing committee to Lunch a school website is to take advantage of the modern technology available and to open a platform where various school activities, achievements, progresses and innovative initiatives can be highlighted which are the works of our delicated teachers and students. I also encourage everyone including the parents which are the stake holders to contribute meaningful write up or other activities which will be beneficial not only to those involved in the school but for all our esteem readers.

  With this piece of contribution on "Over a Century of Caring for the children" I wish the Principal, Vice Principal, Teachers and Non – Teaching Staff of the school all the best,May God in his Glory will bless everyone of you.

Managing Committee,